Can You Monetize AI Generated Videos? Yes, But…

Updated on 2024-06-24

AI-generated videos have gained popularity recently because they are cheap and easy to make in 2024… but can they be monetized?

Key Takeaways

  • Monetizing AI-generated videos (on YouTube or otherwise) is possible and can be a lucrative source of income.
  • However, making money with AI-generated videos comes with its own set of challenges, including competition, copyright issues, and quality control.
  • Specifically on YouTube, you want to make sure to comply with their spam, deceptive practices, scams policies – and most importantly – not be duplicative or repetitive.

Let’s dive in.

Can You Monetize AI Generated Videos on YouTube? Understanding the Guidelines

Yes, you can monetize AI-generated videos on YouTube. As long as these videos comply with YouTube’s monetization policies and guidelines, they are eligible for monetization through ads, sponsorships, merchandise, and other revenue streams. However, there are certain considerations to keep in mind before deciding to monetize AI-generated content.

How To Monetize AI Generated Videos on YouTube

Monetizing AI generated videos on YouTube is possible, as long as the generated content does not violate YouTube’s guidelines.

So if your video has low quality or does not meet YouTube’s standards for advertiser-friendly content, it may not be eligible for monetization either.

However, if your AI-generated video meets YouTube’s content and community guidelines, it can be monetized like any other video on the platform. This means that you can earn revenue through advertising (through the YouTube Partner Program), sponsorships, merchandise sales, and other monetization strategies.

One benefit of AI-generated videos is that they can be produced quickly and at a lower cost than traditional video creation methods. This means that you can create more content and potentially earn more revenue from your videos.

Tips for Monetizing AI Generated Videos on YouTube

If you’re considering monetizing your AI-generated videos on YouTube, here are some tips to help you succeed:

  1. Follow YouTube’s content and community guidelines to ensure your videos are eligible for monetization.
  2. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that will appeal to your target audience.
  3. Use targeted keywords to optimize your videos for search and discovery on YouTube.
  4. Engage with your audience through comments and social media to build a community around your content.
  5. Experiment with different monetization strategies, such as sponsorships and merchandise sales, to diversify your revenue streams.

By following these tips, you can maximize the monetization potential of your AI-generated videos and build a successful YouTube channel.

Can You Monetize Meditation / Relaxation / Rain Videos?

Yes, you can monetize meditation videos or rain videos on YouTube. Simply searching on YouTube, you can find plenty of videos ranking in the top 3 in the that are monetized (as validated by our YouTube monetization checker). But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea – read below why.

As an experiment, I used the “alphabet soup method” and discover this keyword: “meditation timer 5 minutes”.

does youtube monetize meditation videos

I discovered people were searching for this keyword: “meditation timer 10 minutes”. So I clicked it, and YouTube presented me with these videos:

does youtube monetize timer videos

I checked all 4 of those videos using our YouTube monetization checker, and here are the results:

It seems the first 2 videos are not monetized simply because the subscriber count of these channels is currently low – they only have 1.03k and 1.54k subs respectively, so they’re most likely not part of the YouTube Partner Program.

On the other end, the third and fourth channels have 7.15k and 136k respectively and are monetized.

So, is it a good idea to create a relaxation/meditation/nature sound channel?

While it’s technically possible to monetize these types of videos, it’s not necessarily a good idea to solely focus on this niche if your primary goal is monetization. YouTube’s policies prioritize original and engaging content. Simply uploading repetitive nature sounds or generic meditation timers might not meet their criteria for monetization, especially for new channels.

The third and fourth channels mentioned above were likely monetized through other types of content or by establishing themselves before the current policy emphasis on originality. Starting a channel today with only these types of videos might not yield the same results.

Moreover, this niche is highly saturated. There are countless channels offering similar content, making it difficult to stand out and attract a substantial audience. Competition for views and ad revenue is fierce.

My Experience Creating AI Generated Videos for YouTube

I know for a fact that it’s possible to monetize AI generated videos on YouTube.

I have a YouTube channel with videos that have 60-80% of their content made with AI:

can you monetize ai generated videos on youtube

Namely, here is what is AI-generated:

  • The script: I type the rough instructions (these are how-to videos) in ChatGPT and let it come up with a clean, well-written and easy-to-follow script
  • The voice: I use an AI text-to-speech API to generate the voice that I use on the videos, so that I don’t have to record my voice (as my room is not suited for audio recording)

Then, I:

  1. Record my computer screen (to capture the tutorial steps), making sure to follow the AI-generated instructions
  2. Put all the files (screen captures and audio) in Final Cut Pro
  3. Add silences in the text-to-speech audio track to match the speed of the screen captures
  4. Export and upload to YouTube

As you can see, it’s not a 100% hands-off process.

But I would advise against going full automatic / algorithmic as you can very easily end up with a set of videos considered as spammy by YouTube, and have your channel terminated immediately.

I know because I tried posting fully AI generated videos every 8 hours on a test channel, and it didn’t end well:

youtube channel terminated for spam content

The channel was terminated for spam content.

I don’t think the content was bad or spammy – I actually liked it quite a lot – but the fact that it was all automated (and you could tell tell it was) was probably an instant red flag for the YouTube team, hence their decision.

I appealed the decision, without success.

Also, YouTube says that “you won’t be able to access, possess, or create any other YouTube channels”.

I didn’t find that to be true (I still have my other channels, and they’re still monetized). But I don’t want to push it to prove a point, and discover that all my other YouTube channels are gone.

Top Ways to Monetize AI Generated Videos

As AI-generated videos become more popular and prevalent, content creators and businesses are exploring various ways to monetize this new medium. Here are some top strategies:


Sponsorships are a prime way to monetize AI-generated videos. Businesses may sponsor your videos if they align with their brand, product, or service. This can provide a steady income, especially if you have a large following or high viewership.


Advertising is another popular monetization method. You can display ads before, during, or after your videos and earn money based on views or clicks. Google AdSense and the YouTube Partner Program (if your videos are on YouTube) are popular options for incorporating ads.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves partnering with companies to promote their products or services in your videos. You earn a percentage of the sales made through your referrals, providing a lucrative income stream.

Experimenting with different monetization methods and building a loyal audience can help you turn AI-generated videos into a sustainable source of income.

Affiliate Marketing with AI Generated Videos

As we mentioned earlier, AI-generated videos provide a unique opportunity for businesses to create endless content that is both high-quality and cost-effective. Additionally, these videos can be used for affiliate marketing purposes to drive traffic and increase conversions.

Here are some ways that businesses can utilize affiliate marketing with AI-generated videos:

  • Product reviews: One effective way to use AI-generated videos for affiliate marketing is by creating product review videos. In these videos, you can showcase the features and benefits of a particular product and provide a unique affiliate link for viewers to purchase the product directly. This allows you to earn a commission on each sale while providing valuable information to your audience.
  • How-to videos: Another way to use AI-generated videos for affiliate marketing is by creating how-to videos. These videos can showcase products and services and provide step-by-step instructions on how to use them. By incorporating affiliate links within the video, viewers can easily purchase the products recommended by you.
  • Comparison videos: Comparison videos are an effective way to showcase the differences between similar products. By creating a video that compares two or more products in detail, you can help your audience make informed purchasing decisions. By adding affiliate links to the products you recommend, you can earn a commission on each sale.

Please bear in mind it’s crucial to provide value to your viewers. In order to be successful in affiliate marketing, you must establish trust with your audience and provide them with valuable information that they cannot find elsewhere.

Also, disclose any affiliate links in your videos to ensure transparency with your audience. By being upfront and honest about the products you promote, you can establish yourself as a trustworthy source of information and increase your chances of success in affiliate marketing.

Copyright and Legal Issues of AI Generated Videos

As the use of AI-generated videos becomes more prevalent, there are growing concerns regarding copyright and legal issues. Here are some of the key points to consider:

  • Ownership of the AI-generated videos: The ownership of AI-generated videos is not always clear-cut. In some cases, it may be the person or company that developed or trained the AI algorithm, while in other cases it may be the person who supplied the data that the AI used to generate the videos. It is important to establish ownership before monetizing these videos.
  • Copyright infringement: AI-generated videos can potentially infringe upon existing copyrights, particularly if they use elements such as music, images, or video footage without proper licensing or permission. As a creator of AI-generated videos, it is important to ensure that all copyrighted materials are properly licensed or obtained.
  • Personality rights: In some cases, AI-generated videos may depict real people or entities, such as celebrities or famous landmarks. When this occurs, it is important to ensure that any necessary permissions or licenses are obtained before commercializing these videos.
  • Defamation: If an AI-generated video contains false or defamatory information about an individual or entity, there may be legal repercussions. It is important to ensure that all information presented in the videos is accurate and truthful.
  • Privacy concerns: AI-generated videos may capture and use personal information about individuals, such as their likeness, voice, or physical characteristics. Creators of AI-generated videos must ensure that all personal information is properly obtained and used in compliance with applicable privacy laws.

Overall, the legal landscape surrounding AI-generated videos is complex and constantly evolving. Creators must be vigilant in ensuring that their videos are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations to avoid potential legal issues.

What Makes AI Generated Videos Valuable?

AI-generated videos bring to the table unique advantages that traditional video production simply can’t match. They are a game-changer for individuals and businesses aiming to monetize their content.

Here are some reasons why AI-generated videos stand out:

  • Hyper-Personalization: AI allows for personalized video content tailored to individual viewer preferences, enhancing engagement and loyalty. By analyzing viewer data, AI crafts content that resonates deeply, keeping audiences hooked.
  • Cost-Effective Production: Creating videos with AI is far more affordable than traditional methods. There’s no need for costly equipment, actors, or locations. This makes high-quality video production accessible to small businesses and solo creators alike.
  • Rapid Turnaround: AI can generate videos in mere minutes, compared to the weeks or months traditional production might take. This speed is crucial in the fast-paced digital landscape where trends evolve rapidly.
  • Unleashed Creativity: AI opens new horizons for creativity, enabling the production of unique and captivating content that traditional methods can’t achieve. It leverages data to craft visually stunning and engaging videos tailored to specific audiences.

This is a big deal because it’s way faster and cheaper than traditional video production, which is perfect for businesses that want to pump out more content without breaking the bank. Plus, AI videos can be tailored to specific audiences or social media platforms, so companies can connect with their customers on a more personal level.

But it’s not just about business. AI is opening up a whole new world of creativity, letting us create videos in styles we could only dream of before. It’s like having a superpower for storytelling!

As AI gets even smarter, we can expect more and more awesome videos to be created with its help. So get ready to be amazed, because AI is changing the game when it comes to video production!

The Future of Monetizing AI Generated Videos

As advancements continue to occur in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), so too does the potential for monetizing AI-generated videos. While the technology is still in its early stages, the future looks promising.

Here are some potential ways in which AI-generated videos could be monetized in the future:

  • Product Placement: With the ability to analyze user data, AI can create videos specifically targeted at certain demographics. This information could be used to insert product placements within the video, resulting in a new source of advertising revenue.
  • Virtual Assistants: With AI-generated videos becoming more realistic, it’s only a matter of time before virtual assistants become integrated into these videos. This could provide an opportunity for businesses to monetize by having their virtual assistant advertised within the video.
  • Subscription Services: As AI-generated videos become more advanced and sophisticated, individuals may be willing to pay for a subscription service that provides them with access to exclusive content.
  • Sponsorship: Similar to product placements, AI-generated videos could be sponsored by businesses looking for new ways to market their products.
  • Online Marketplaces: As AI-generated videos become more widespread, it’s possible that online marketplaces could emerge where creators can sell their videos for a profit.
  • Funding Platforms: There could be opportunities for funding platforms to emerge that allow individuals or businesses to invest in the creation of AI-generated videos for a potential return on investment.

While the above are just a few potential ways in which monetization of AI-generated videos could occur in the future, it’s clear that the possibilities are endless. As AI continues to develop, there will undoubtedly be new and creative ways of monetizing this technology that we have yet to imagine.


In conclusion, monetizing AI generated videos seems to be a promising business idea. With the advancements in AI technology, it is now possible to generate high-quality videos at a much lower cost compared to the traditional methods.

However, these AI generated videos are still not completely independent of human intervention. Companies still require human experts to monitor and adjust the AI algorithms to achieve the desired outcome.

Furthermore, as AI generated videos become more mainstream, regulations regarding ownership and copyright will need to be established (like YouTube did recently). Some concerns have been raised regarding the ethical implications of using AI for generating videos without explicit consent and attribution.

As an AI enthusiast and researcher, I believe that we have only scratched the surface of the possibilities and opportunities that AI can bring to various industries.